Apart from the three Danish presentations of Martin Hall’s new performance play Prototype/Protocol – an inter-aesthetic meeting between Hall, the musical ensemble Lydenskab and Staal Film – the stage play will also be performed at The Royal Danish Embassy in Berlin.

  • Tuesday the 25th of November 20.00 (CET)
  • The Royal Danish Embassy
    Rauchstraße 1
    D-10787 Berlin

    Prototype/Protocol is a story based on the broken chain of connection between three generations – a fragmented, highly personal memory protocol made up of letters, recordings, fictitious memories, video sequences and new music. The Berlin show will be performed in Danish.

    You can read more about the play itself and the Danish shows here.


    The cast of the show is as follows:

    Martin Hall: Voice
    Maiken Kildegaard: Cast
    Eskild Winding: Piano (Lydenskab)
    Thea Vesti: Guitar (Lydenskab)
    Sofia Olsson: Cello (Lydenskab)
    Michael Dinesen/Staal Film: Video

    2014 Prototype Berlin 300dpi