GYLDENDAL (9788702118940)
Filosof/Digter/Maler er en dvd-udgivelse, der samler tre film lavet af filminstruktøren Claus Bohm i hhv. 1996, 2000 og 2003 – filmene Filosof, Digter og Maler.
Musikken til Digter er skrevet og indspillet af Martin Hall.
I teksten til kataloget til filmen Digter skrives følgende:
”Hvad er en digter? Hvad er et digt? Hvad er skønhed? Det er nogle af de spørgsmål, der stilles i filmen Digter. Filmen er en personlig skildring af ti yngre digtere, der har været med til at præge 1990’ernes danske lyrik. Med rejsen som tema bevæger filmen sig igennem forskellige rum, elementer og digteriske landskaber. Ti forskellige stemmer med hvert sit temperament, men fælles om en drift mod digtet, sproget og verdenen.”
De medvirkende digtere i filmen er Nicolaj Stochholm, Naja Marie Aidt, Niels Lyngsø, Annemette Kure Andersen, Morten Søndergaard, Karen Marie Edelfeldt, Janus Kodal, Katrine Marie Guldager, Christian Dorph og Lene Henningsen.
Mandag den 13. september 2010 udkom dvd’en Live at St. Paul’s, en koncertoptagelse med Martin Hall og hans 8-m/k store ensemble fra Sankt Pauls Kirken i Århus i oktober 2009.
Koncerten blev oprindeligt filmet og sendt af den danske tv-station DK4, mens dvd’en blev udgivet med særligt henblik på Halls europæiske publikum (indeholder af samme grund engelske undertekster).
Aftenens repertoire strækker sig fra de tidlige Ballet Mécanique-dage op til Martin Halls på det tidspunkt aktuelle og meget roste album Hospital Cafeterias.
Blandt højdepunkterne ved koncerten må nævnes nummeret ”Images in Water” samt Halls akustiske version af ”Treatment”, som han oprindeligt indspillede sammen med Martin Krog under bandnavnet Front and Fantasy i 1985.
1. P.O. (2:36)
2. Other Rooms (4:19)
3. Plaza Flesh (2:31)
4. 40 Versions of the Time Before (2:38)
5. An Attempt of Interruption (7:45)
6. Treatment (6:17)
7. Ash and Lemon Water (3:10)
8. Images in Water (8:03)
9. Crush (5:14)
10. Imagine Focus (5:12)
11. To Be Continued (5:33)
12. Torn Envelope (8:03)
13. Eyes and Hands (5:11)
14. Avenues of Oblivion (3:45)
15. The Mark (4:49)
I’ve seen your face a thousand times
I’ve seen you hide within the crowd
I feel you run within my blood
But dreams are never quite enough
Not enough
All I want to believe in
Is the look in your eyes
All I want to believe in
Is your sigh
Let me stay here forever
Let me stay here tonight
Let us stay here together
For a while
No one knows you better than me
No one knows you better than me
The cigarette smoke in the air
The smouldering waves everywhere
Full of eyes
Prune coloured eyes
In Moscow and St. Petersburg
The places turn into a blur
In your mind
A violent sigh
The salt water traces that burn on your skin
The words that you hid in letters never sent
Your heartbeat’s a rage never tamed, never shown
Wherever you go, you’re never alone
The alcohol glows for a while
It’s shining like gold in the light
Like a trace
Of halcyon days
Like ghosts in their circuits of loss
You carry your own little cross
As a shield
Against any need
Wherever you go, you leave something behind
The parts of yourself you’ve been trying to find
The smell of the night seems to stick to your skin
All locked in a cage the journey begins
Show me your true desires
Show me your plaza flesh
Pictures of people dying
Seem to have no effect no more
I don’t really give as much as a toss anymore
I just want to hide away, never beg anymore
I don’t really count the days or the hours anymore
‘Cause she’s gone, gone, gone, gone, gone
‘Cause she’s gone, gone, gone
Come now
Inject the daylight
Come here
Each little girl
At first I just want to kiss you
But then I want it all
I want excess
Your plaza flesh
Falling asleep on a long distance flight
The images in the still of the night
A scent of waste
The sight of your face
A flicker of uneasiness
Will I be able to forget now?
Nurses and young girls in a row
How can I ever let you go now?
Like 40 versions of the time before
The ballerinas at my feet
The connoisseurs out in the street
Oh you mean nothing to me
Just try to tell yourself the tale again
You tell yourself it’s all the same again
The city lights that came alive
The stars that fell down from the sky
You turned around within the light
Your skin so frail and lily-white
The centre of the Western world
A glamorous confusion zipped
Upon the parting of your lips
Intangible as every breath
As inescapable as death
Oh it means nothing to me
The nurseling and the tendon
The naked responsibility
Unexisting possibilities
Like long gone friends
Infectious ideas
I kept your sins
Sincere to the end
And I concentrate on remembering your face, your eyes
But the noise from the second day’s party wipes it out
Sentimental warfare
Days of life
Seconds of love
Hours of sin
This could be as heart-known
Lust dead in deed
Vulgar to feed
Holding me down
You could be forgiven
‘Cause I’ll lie for you
I’ll die for you
I’ll do anything
To be forgiven
Treat me hard
Treat me with heart
Show me no mercy
Show me no sign of weakness
Retreat me right
Remain in light
Through every night and day
So cruelly
I know you’ll be my destiny
In all
Surrender completely
Fade into me
I need you this close
I want you to be
The purpose itself
To every extent
In method and need
Beginning and end
Treat me right
Treat me with right
Show me no mercy
Show me no sign of weakness
In cover of all of your love
I’ll make this dream come through
In every trace of every face
I feel a stream of you
So tender we treat each other with fear
The root of our need will constantly tear
Our fiction apart
Revealing the bone
Behind walls of love
We’re still all alone
Be my Judas
Be my destiny
I’ll forgive you in eternity
Be my Jesus
Be my sacrifice
I’ll betray you with a kiss of ice
Ash and lemon water
Shining on your lips
Whatever you do
Don’t try to resist
It’s the kind of understanding that makes you feel uncomfortable
It’s the kind of circumstances that make you feel so old
You’re all immune
To crowded rooms
Your heart’s made of air
It’s easy to share
You’re sliding down
The open sky
A handle that breaks
Excitement’s a rage
The sound of the room
The sound of your breathing
See the night rain that falls
Hear it run down the walls
There’s a scent in the air
There’s a trace in the water
And you’re stretched like the sky
On these carnival nights
That you carry inside
And the image you see
Such a weight on your eyelids
It never dried on your eyes
Never silenced the cries
Like a needle you find
That injects light inside you
See the ribbons of rain
Draw the lines of a face
The thinnest of air
Was all that you needed
Now the glittering stars
Shine a light far too hard
On the tip of your tongue
There’s a word never spoken
Like a vanishing gaze
Choreographed games
That you try to rename
And the image you see
Such a weight on your eyelids
It never dried on your eyes
Never silenced the cries
Like a needle you find
That injects light inside you
See the ribbons of rain
Draw the lines of a face
The scenes of a night cut in marble
The sound of the rain’s getting harder
A hand mirror line turning flesh for a while
You’re so tired now
As you fill me again
I have no further questions
Condemned to be free
As I reach out for you again
Nothing is new
But something has grown
Bigger than both of us
Stronger than memory
And much stronger than defeat
I’m gonna crush the worlds we used to know
A seed is sown
I’m gonna let it grow
I’m quite aware what I’ll be going through
There’s no way back
It all depends on you
My destiny
I’ve seen it in your eyes
A love so deep
A stream that purifies
And in your arms
The nature of all death
Is nothing but a touch of timelessness
I’m gonna crush you with my love
I’m gonna be crushed up in love
Just a touch of lost
Burning as always
As it was, as it is
And eventually
Just in trust, nothing more
So suddenly
From beginning to end
While this centreless present reflects itself
In inverted moves of an obsessional stage
In a stream of light from unreachable marks
Something long ago in everlasting terms
In a crossfade of untitled reasons
What it turned out to be
And occasionally
Everything in my hands
So totally
In the heat of the touch
Like the way we were
Beyond love under will
Suddenly away in these only words
By mistakes again into changing links
In this compromise of dependence then
Stage by stage, in exposure
Still so timeless in this life release
Nearness hidden in casual moves
Watch the changes and recall
Touch through another focus
Mark perfection twice
With or without purpose
Still tons against tons
Carefully mistaken in retrospective fear
Restrain it all while I imagine focus
As I lie down
As I lie
Here’s a drummer
All melodramatic
I wonder who invited him in
But I’m amused as always
By the glamorous stupidity
It’s the puff and the posh of the way that you are
Sugar coating any word
When it all begins to hurt
A little too Babylonian
Now you’re breaking into tears
Though you know I can’t be near
Such an effortless act
It’s shining through your skin
A skin so paper thin
A living memory
It’s just a breath away
All drawn in pale and grey
So tense and self-aware
I can’t breathe in the absence of beauty
Come sustain my arrogance
With a sigh that never ends
A little falling from the sky
Ain’t gonna make the day worthwhile
Not exactly unpredictable
I love the feeling
The nervous shivering
A skin show of dreams
Olympian ideals undefeated
With lips bleeding red
A flicker of skin
Her one silk caress
It’s a breath just about to begin
She believes
What she feels
The white of her eyes
A glow in the dark
Wherever she is
She’s a silence that shelters my heart
She believes
What she is
And I wish she could see
What she’s doing to me
In spite of the past
In spite of the present
She’s the air I breathe
She’s the trail of the days
My guide and my trace
The world never sleeps
It feeds on her dreaming
As I close my eyes
A taste in my mouth
Of sugary sand
The world seems so small
As it glitters in her open hand
She believes
What she needs
And I wish she could see
What she’s doing to me
In spite of the past
In spite of the present
She’s the air I breathe
She’s the trail of the days
My guide and my trace
The world never sleeps
It feeds on her dreaming
As I close my eyes
In the still of the night, the dim desires
In the faint afterglow of heated cries
On the moon flooded roofs and in her eyes
It all comes alive
It all seems to hide
And the words seem to fall like whispers that drip
Her voice’s like a fog on her moist soft lips
Like a torn envelope that’s sealed with a kiss
How it all seems to break
All seems to shake
In a single embrace
As I am
Changing in these filters of light
Without difference between the symbol and the force that is symbolized
Just like you
Scanning the shadows
I see you through nothing but eyes
Depending on eyes
As the sphere of wound strengthens the love
Earthbound to heaven but trapped in the mirrors
If self-made conditions rule perfectly blind
So selfish bourgeois
So vulgar pretentious in your attempted martyrdom
From sacrifice to power release
The strain keeps the balance of love
While it shines like a diamond
So dustless and unseen
Beyond tension and form
Feel it
Take it in
In whirls of love
Through eyes and hands
A voice surrounds me
A touch reminds me
Equalizing every change
Again I lie down to die in your arms
Surrounded by the rings in the water
Beyond dividing life into senses in intellectual self-mutilation
In every circle knowing the centre
In every touch a signal so tender
All on the outside
All on the inside
Without distinction
From request to request
Hiding in the mirrors
In these laws of pain
In the identity of the pain
Drawing the lines between love and hatred
Based on code and revenge
Where’s your respect for love?
Where’s your respect for life?
Acting out neurotic non-appearance
Stimulating some denied desire by simulating a heart on fire
In worlds on location
In wordless betrayal
In the illusion of security
But there will be no restrictions
Nor any limits
For body and spirit
When love transcends
In both sense and symbol
Beyond good and evil
Beyond you and me
Electric music is ripping the air
Streets lit up by electricity
Coins of death call through the haze
Disparating conditions of minds
The avenues of oblivion touch your mind
Its sick fingers seek your energy
Shades of submission printed in the air
The corps of the silent army slowly move
Arms of death crawl the highs
Dancers of destruction scream
The preludes of tomorrow
Another rebellious transmission
The avenues of oblivion
The dancers of destruction
Haven’t learned my lesson
I won’t excuse when I say I
Please do not beg me
Please do not beg me
Senseless responsible as I hold this knife
Guilt is heavier than any weapon
Unprovoked as I testified
The burden of therapeutic lied gave me the right to judge
The fear has reached a limit
Where armless have no helping hands
Please do not beg me
Please do not beg me
And with the feverish light as guide
I was given the mark of the beast
I as you this close
Held of to believe
Searching for the gift of life
“En absolut fremragende aften … meget mere kunne man ikke ønske sig.”
( * * * * * )
Gaffa – Ole Rosenstand Svidt (31. oktober 2009)
“Smukt og eksperimenterende … han lod højdepunkterne fra de første 30 år af sin imponerende karriere tale.”
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Jyllands-Posten – Kasper Schütt-Jensen (31. oktober 2009)
“Man må give Martin Hall, at han formår at iscenesætte sig selv og sine sange, hvilket altid gør en Hall-koncert til en særlig begivenhed … en imponerende vandring gennem stort set hele karrieren.”
Geiger – Rasmus Steffensen (2. november 2009)
“Højdepunkterne findes i ”Images in Water” og ”40 Versions of the Time Before”, hvor bandet viser et flot greb om det atmosfæriske udtryk, og Hall leverer en fin vokal … en fryd at overvære den flotte produktion fra den ellers så beskedne kanal DK4.”
( * * * * )
Gaffa – Lars Löbner Jeppesen (20. september 2010)
Carla Kuotila: Cello
Henriette Groth: Keyboards, flygel, klarinet
Ida Bach Jensen: Kontrabas
Johnny Stage: Guitar, kor, sitar, mandolin
Karoliina Koivisto: Violin
Martin Hall: Vokal, akustisk guitar
Mikkel Meyer: Elektronik, modulatorer
Sisse Selina Larsen: Trommer, kor, perkussion
Design: Kenneth Schultz
Photo: Mie Brinkmann
Koncerten modtog oprindeligt 5 stjerner i både Gaffa og Jyllands-Posten, ligesom den også blev tildelt prisen som årets bedste danske koncert af Recession-festivalens brugere.
Martin Hall spillede i samme periode flere koncerter i både Tyskland og Danmark, en koncertrække der blev afsluttet søndag den 8. november 2009 i Koncerthuset i DR-byen.

Koncerterne var hans første som sanger i mere end tre år og blev modtaget med begejstrede anmeldelser i både tyske og danske medier. Om den første koncert i Flensborg blev der bl.a. skrevet følgende:
Geiger: “Indlevelsen var fænomenal: Martin Hall og hans gruppe af musikere var ikke blot gode; der var øjeblikke, som bedst kan beskrives som sublime.”
Transmission: “En optimal koncert – jeg er lige ved at hive årets koncert kortet op af lommen, det er bestemt et uhyggeligt godt bud i hvert fald.”
Medienkonverter: “Für mich das bewegendste und emotionalste Konzert seit langer Zeit. Ganz, ganz groß!.”
P1/Europaklip: “Martin Halls sandsynligvis bedste koncert nogensinde.”
Grenzwellen: “A touching and impressive evening! Totally overwhelming.”
Indspillet i Sct. Pauls Kirken (Århus) fredag den 30. oktober 2009 af DK4. Live-lyd Thomas Li, lys Per Daumiller. Postproduktion og lyd-remix Johnny Stage.
LINDHARDT OG RINGHOF (9-788711-428030)
Samtidig med udgivelsen af bogen Kinoplex blev romanen også udsendt som mp3-lydbog, en titel som Martin Hall selv producerede.
Lydbogen indeholder ud over selve fortællingen også en række nykomponerede musikstykker skrevet af ham selv og komponisten Christian Skeel, stedvist assisteret af Johnny Stage.
Lydbogen udgør alt i alt 65 kapitler, en række soniske tableauer fordelt over 81 skæringer med en samlet varighed på i alt 5,3 timer (319 minutter). Romanen læses op af Jan Poulsen.
For yderligere information om bogen, se venligst dette opslag:
JUNI 2010
I juni 2010 udkom de to legendariske danske film om hhv. digter- og musikscenen i start-80’erne, Nattens Engel (1981) og Totem (1984), samlet på én dvd. Begge film er instrueret af Claus Bohm.
Nattens Engel fokuserer på den dengang gryende digterscene og især på den danske digter Michael Strunge (1958–1986). De andre medvirkende er F.P. Jac, Lillian Polack, Bo Green Jensen og Henrik S. Holck. Martin Hall har skrevet og indspillet musikken til filmen.
Totem fokuserer derimod på musikmiljøet og indeholder ud over et interview med en 20-årig Martin Hall også to musiknumre med hans gruppe Under For. Sort Sol, Ads og Alive With Worms optræder også i filmen. Begge Under For-numre er i øvrigt inkluderet på Halls Catalogue-boks fra 2007.
1. Totem (36.11)
2. Nattens Engel (34.07)
“Claus Bohms to film om de tidlige firseres kreative punkmiljø, Totem og Nattens Engel, har igennem flere år haft en vis kultstatus hos også yngre generationer af goths, punks og autonome, og nu samles de to film altså og genudgives på en enkelt dvd … Bohms film tegner et fint og billedrigt portræt af en epoke og af nogle mennesker, som det er svært ikke at beundre. Også mange år senere.”
( * * * * * )
Gaffa – Ras Bolding (7. juni 2010)
“Punken i Danmark belyst i to fantastiske film: Totem og Nattens Engel er fantastiske tidsbilleder. Og selv om selvhøjtideligheden og monologerne kan blive en tand for meget til tider, skal man ikke underkende, at det var præcis de tanker, som en masse mennesker gik rundt med på det tidspunkt. Filmene er værd at se, både for dem der ønsker sig et nostalgisk tilbageblik til en tid hvor verden – tro det eller ej – så væsentligt mere dyster ud end nu, og så de interesserede, der kun har læst Strunge i gymnasiet, men aldrig helt forstået hvad det egentlig var han gik og snakkede om.”
( * * * * * )
Cinema Online – Helle Perrier (14. juni 2010)
“Totem er en suggestiv, billedmættet skildring af punken, subkulturen og undergrunden. Martin Halls originalskrevne musik lægger en poetisk, dæmonisk bund under fortællingen, som glimtvis eksponerer smerte, sort humor og eksistentielle statements. Vi oplever eksempler på den eksperimenterende nyrock og nogle af de bedste punkbands i de koncert-optagelser, der er en væsentlig del af filmens og tidens kunstneriske ragnarok.”
( * * * * )
OnFilm (15. juni 2010)
“Totem og Nattens Engel er to film, der både beviser hvor frygteligt selvhøjtidelige, gravalvorlige og narcissistisk dette miljø var, men samtidig så kan man heller ikke lade være med at beundre den ungdommelige nerve og de mange holdninger som kommer til udtryk i løbet af den time som filmene varer. Selvom der som nævnt før synes at være kraftige mangler i en mere nøgtern og nuanceret skildring af dette miljø, så virker det også som om filmen i højere grad forsøger at vise den positive side af denne subkultur, i stedet for at fokusere på de mange negative skildringer forbundet med punken. Her vises at punken også kan være et kreativt rum og rumme en filosofi og en eftertænksomhed som man indimellem godt kunne ønske var til stedet i ungdommen nu til dags.”
Kulturkapellet – Torben Rølmer Bille (18. august 2010)

Fredag den 28. marts 2008 havde den danske storfilm Flammen & Citronenpremiere, en film hvori Martin Hall debuterede som filmskuespiller. Eposset er instrueret af Ole Christian Madsen og var ved sin udgivelse den dyreste dansksprogede produktion nogensinde med et samlet budget på omkring 50 millioner.
Flammen & Citronen handler om den danske modstandsbevægelses kamp under besættelsen og fortæller den sande historie om de to modstandsfolk, Flammen (Bent Faurschou Hviid) og Citronen (Jørgen Haagen Schmith), der i filmen spilles af hhv. Thure Lindhardt og Mads Mikkelsen.
Martin Halls filmdebut er en kort, nærmest cameo-agtig gæsteoptræden, hvor han spiller rollen som kaptajnløjtnant Østergaard Petersen.
1. Flammen & Citronen (133 min.)
Motion Picture DVD
Metronome/Universal Pictures
Thure Lindhardt
Mads Mikkelsen
Stine Stengade
Peter Mygind
Instruktør: Ole Christian Madsen
Producer: Nimbus Film
Design: Nimbus Film
Foto: Jørgen Johansen
“Drønspændende, underholdende og en fryd for øjet. Niveauer over hvad vi er vant til at se herhjemme. Et must – simpelthen.”
( * * * * * * )
Ekstra Bladet – Henrik Queitsch (marts 2008)
”En kraftpræstation.”
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Politiken – Kim Skotte (marts 2008)
“Spændende, elegant, atmosfærefyldt og kronet af intenst nærvær. En uhyre helstøbt film.”
( * * * * * )
Børsen – Morten Dürr (marts 2008)
“Et knugende og tankevækkende drama, der fænger fra start til slut.”
( * * * * * )
Euroman – Tonny Vorm (april 2008)
Martin Halls filmdebut er en som sagt kort, nærmest cameo-agtig gæsteoptræden, hvor han udfylder rollen som kaptajnløjtnant Østergaard Petersen – en depraveret, nazi-venlig personage med en stærk hang til natlige udskejelser.
Selvom filmens endelige scene blev forkortet betydeligt i forhold til den oprindelige drejebog pga. sin meget blodige karakter, er sekvensen stadig et fornøjeligt syn for Hall-aficionados.
Læg i filmen i øvrigt også mærke til åbningsscenens identifikation af kaptajnløjtnant Østergaard Petersen via hans papirer – et pasbillede der er hentet fra Halls Music Hall-album fra 2003.
Optagelserne til filmen fandt sted i Babelsberg-studierne i Tyskland samt på locations i København og Prag. Flammen & Citronen blev produceret af Lars Bredo Rahbek og Morten Kaufmann for Nimbus Film.
I Danmark solgte filmen i løbet af 2008 673.000 biografbilletter og blev dermed den mest sete biograffilm i Danmark det år. Filmen havde yderligere biografpremiere i 13 lande.
Filmpremiere i marts 2008. Udgivet som dvd i september 2008.
CATALOGUE (1980-2007)
Bokssættet Catalogue (Martin Hall 1980–2007) blev udsendt mandag den 5. november 2007. Det består af fem audio-cd’er og en dvd med udpluk fra Martin Halls musikalske karriere helt tilbage fra 1980 og op til udgivelsestidspunktet – sammenlagt 81 musiknumre og 15 videoer.
Den første af boksens cd’er har fået undertitlen Airplay og indeholder udelukkende radio-mindede numre, dvs. alt lige fra gamle, ellers uopdrivelige 12”-singler til den på det tidspunkt nye mp3-single ”World on a String”. Bokssættets anden cd, Hallmark, fokuserer derimod helt og holdent på Halls signaturnumre, dvs. de tungere og mere teatralske titler i repertoiret (indeholder f.eks. materiale med Ballet Mécanique og Under For). Den tredje cd, Soundtracks, indeholder kun instrumentale numre, underlægningsmusik og lydspor fra kunstinstallationer, teaterprojekter og film. Den fjerde cd, Remakes, består af primært nye remixes af diverse Hall-numre (se komplet liste længere nede ad siden), og den femte og sidste cd i sættet, Encore, er dedikeret Martin Halls samarbejde med The Danish Chamber Players, DR’s Big Band og Palle Mikkelborg.
Sidste aspekt af bokssættet er dvd’en, der bl.a. indeholder to Under For-koncertklip, adskillige musikvideoer samt et fyldigt sammendrag af Halls Glyptotek-koncert og Trax Galla-opræden i 2006.
1. Avenues of Oblivion (3:45)
2. An Attempt of Interruption (3:03)
3. Free-Force Structure (Edit) (6:11)
4. Eyes and Hands (5:11)
5. Treatment (Edit) (5:25)
6. Warfare (Edit) (4:09)
7. Showdown (Edit) (4:08)
8. Crush (Edit) (3:43)
9. Beat of the Drum (4:54)
10. Surreal Thing (4:45)
11. Prime Material (3:25)
12. Rhythm of the Rota (Edit) (4:26)
13. Pleasurama (3:43)
14. Catching The Dust (5:46)
15. Burning Sugar (Edit) (3:22)
16. The Stranger in Your Voice (1:30)
17. Roseland (4:32)
18. Brainwash (3:15)
19. World on a String (3:29)
20. Soil (1:20)
21. Leathern (5:03)
22. A Spastic Appeal (4:35)
23. Imagine Focus (5:12)
24. Resonance (5:55)
25. Synthesis (8:28)
26. Song for Someone (3:13)
27. Masquerade (6:12)
28. Cradlemoon (5:44)
29. Another Heart Laid Bare (4:34)
30. To Be Continued (5:33)
31. Images in Water (8:03)
32. Plaza Flesh (2:31)
33. Pantomime (2:29)
34. Torn Envelope (8:03)
35. Evocative Inelegance (2:08)
36. Ritual (Edit) (5:58)
37. Point within Circle (4:00)
38. Dome (1:30)
39. 8 (6:26)
40. Erosion (4:33)
41. Theme from Night and Day (2:55)
42. Interim (1:47)
43. Elia (Edit) (14:15)
44. Replicator (2:44)
45. Theme from Camille (3:51)
46. Face Map (1:51)
47. Red Star Trademark (9:51)
48. Kopfkino Theme (3:25)
49. Kvadrat (2:35)
50. String Quartet Playing in a Refugee Camp (2:53)
51. April 4 (2:00)
52. Racing Cars (Edit) (5:28)
53. Das Ding an Sich (0:57)
54. Love in Vein (4:15)
55. Cool Breeze of Discontent (4:51)
56. Rooms Badly Lit (4:31)
57. Tu Es Mon Image (7:01)
58. Swimming Pool Eyes (6:44)
59. Ritualized (4:02)
60. Vacuum (4:40)
61. Split (1:58)
62. St. Petersburg Notes (4:00)
63. Chance Encounter (4:31)
64. Metastatic (2:32)
65. An Even More Vulgar Display (1:53)
66. Extended Frame (10:10)
67. Crowded Saturdays (2:57)
68. Parading the Frozen (9:13)
69. Illustration (3:34)
70. Poem (10:30)
71. Verschwendung (4:09)
72. Process Interrupted (7:06)
73. Shift Lock Immunity (3:46)
74. Contemporary Ideals (5:41)
75. Circuits of Loss (6:27)
76. Diary #3 (6:38)
77. Trail of Waste (4:25)
78. Room Without a View (7:15)
79. Pantheon (4:11)
80. Questionnaire (9:07)
81. Tout le Monde (1:36)
82. Untitled (Video) (3:57)
83. Theme Remains Theme (Video) (2:46)
84. Cradlemoon (Video) (4:28)
85. Another Heart Laid Bare (Video) (4:33)
86. Neglect (Video) (2:40)
87. A.S.A.P. (Video) (2:04)
88. Other Rooms (Video) (2:44)
89. Poem (Video) (7:12)
90. Pantomime (Video) (3:25)
91. Song for Someone (Video) (3:34)
92. An Attempt of Interruption (Video) (7:53)
93. Ash and Lemon Water (Video) (3:54)
94. Verschwendung (Video) (4:19)
95. Brainwash (Video) (4:02)
96. Tout le Monde (Video) (1:26)
Electric music is ripping the air / Streets lit up by electricity / Coins of death call through the haze / Disparating conditions of minds / The avenues of oblivion touch your mind / Its sick fingers seek your energy / Shades of submission printed in the air / The corps of the silent army slowly move / Arms of death crawl the highs / Dancers of destruction scream / The preludes of tomorrow / Another rebellious transmission / The avenues of oblivion / The dancers of destruction
The nurseling and the tendon / The naked responsibility / Unexisting possibilities / Like long gone friends / Infectious ideas / I kept your sins / Sincere to the end / And I concentrate on remembering your face / Your eyes / But the noise from the second day’s party wipes it out / Sentimental warfare / Days of life / Seconds of love / Hours of sin / This could be as heart-known / Lust dead in deed / Vulgar to feed / Holding me down / You could be forgiven
Forever hidden in the profile / The either-or behind the both-and / Transcend and ascend in the moment that frees / All loving fucked up in tension / Without shadow and without motion / A word like heart / A word like fire / I believe with my body / Believe with my soul / Believe in the eyes before me / Approach and regain / Life repressed to myth / Changing once again / Words sealed with a kiss / Cancel all the pain / In these fantasies / Of realities / Let the fragments shine / Feel me deep within / Let the nearness bind / Feel me skin to skin / Let your flesh and mind / Fuse to the same thing / Rising from decline / Get up / Reach out / Confront / Break through / Reset reality / Programme your love / All must pass / But presence remains / The basic concepts / The further lies / Of the rituals built on your ism of truth / In this chain reaction set-out / We’re born alone / But still I need you / So please don’t hide in self-hate and / Compromises between a desire to be free / And passion made of confinement
As I am / Changing in these filters of light / Without difference between the symbol / And the force which is symbolized / Just like you / Scanning the shadow / I see you through nothing but eyes / Depending on eyes / As the sphere of wound strengthens the love / Earthbound to heaven / But trapped in the mirrors / If self-made conditions rule perfectly blindly / So selfish bourgeois / So vulgar-pretentious / In your attempted martyrdom / From sacrifice to power release / The strain keeps the balance of love / While it shines like a diamond / So dustless and unseen / Beyond tension and form / Feel it / Skinless / Take it in / In whirls of love / Through eyes and hands / A voice surrounds me / A touch reminds me / Equalizing every change / Again I lie down to die in your arms / Surrounded by the rings in the water / Beyond dividing life into senses / In intellectual self-mutilation / In every circle knowing the centre / In every touch a signal so tender / All on the outside / All on the inside / Without distinction / From request to request / Hiding in the mirrors / In these laws of pain / In the identity of the pain / Drawing the lines between love and hatred / Based on code and revenge / Where’s your respect for love / Where’s your respect for life / Acting out neurotic non-appearance / Stimulating some denied desire / By simulating a heart on fire / In worlds on location / In wordless betrayal / In the illusion of security / But there will be no restrictions / Nor any limits / For body and spirit / When love transcends / In both sense and symbol / Beyond good and evil / Beyond you and me / Cover me with your eyes
Treat me hard / Treat me with heart / Show me no mercy / Show me no sign of weakness / Retreat me right / Remain in light / Through every night and day / So cruelly / I know you’ll be / My destiny / In all / Surrender completely / Fade into me / I need you this close / I want you to be / The purpose itself / To every extent / In method and need / Beginning and end / Treat me right / Treat me with right / Show me no mercy / Show me no sign of weakness / In cover of / All of your love / I’ll make this dream come true / In every trace / Of every face / I feel a stream of you / So tender we treat each other with fear / The root of our need will constantly tear / Our fiction apart / Revealing the bone / Behind walls of love / We’re still all alone / Be my Judas / Be my destiny / I’ll forgive you / In eternity / Be my Jesus / Be my sacrifice / I’ll betray you / With a kiss of ice
In this media of mental translation / In this handicap of alienation / I need more than your model of motion / Than aesthetics of broken hearts / Here we are again / Feeling just the same / In these separate hells / Every word’s been said / Every lie’s been fed / To define ourselves / While your balance is kept intellectual / You’re emotionally ineffectual / A hysteria so perfectly tragic / So unreachable near / I’ve just had enough / Of neurotic love / Of this culturecide / I don’t need your shit / It just makes me sick / Look into my eyes / ‘Cause this is the face / This is the race
As everything changes me / Exploding in start on start / It shines on so hard through you / A crystal of flesh and blood / In your face / In your eyes / In the savagery of / How we love / How we die / A fever is burning / Releasing my spirit / In these European schemes / Imprisoned in mind of stone / A system so centralized / Conceptual humanity / Through obsession and love / Through the days and the years / And still burning inside / There’s no turning back now / The circle is broken / Feel the showdown
As you fill me again / I have no further questions / Condemned to be free / As I reach out for you again / Nothing is new / But something has grown / Bigger than both of us / Stronger than memory / And much stronger than defeat / I’m gonna crush / The worlds we used to know / A seed is sown / I’m gonna let it grow / I’m quite aware / What I’ll be going through / There’s no way back / It all depends on you / My destiny / I’ve seen it in your eyes / A love so deep / A stream that purifies / And in your arms / The nature of all death / Is nothing but / A touch of timelessness / I’m gonna crush / I’m gonna crush you with my love / I’m gonna crush / I’m gonna be crushed up in love
Now one day I woke up to some rules of life / That a serious heart needs a light mind to survive / That if you only hope you won’t get very far / ‘Cause dreams call for action / No matter what you want the way is to begin / ‘Cause knowing all about it is not the living thing / And those who sit and ask for great things all the time / Well I hope they’ve sorted out the many small things on the line / A focus inside out / The still of the centre / You must live by demand / But also surrender / As the beat of the drum / Beats the ghosts on the run / So the beat of my heart keeps me wondering / Now it’s been said this world is a stage / Well then if that is true it’s an unwritten play / That makes being a becoming / It’s so easy seen when it’s someone else / But are you any better when you’re by yourself / ‘Cause in this hall of mirrors you’re in a counterpoint / Where it takes one to recognize one / Now there are those who say that life is hard and then you die / Well petty leads to pity if they do not wonder why / ‘Cause the way to solve a problem is to get a bigger one / So to those who cry for freedom / Well there’s working to be done
River deep / Mountain high / Out of the blue / As pure as the real thing / The state and the feeling / It leaves me no doubt of what needs to be done / A thunder’s been raging / A choice has been taken / To never look back / To be one of the few / While all things must pass / A fire will burn / Purify / Never change / It’s seen in the sky / As there’s so much more to this than meets the eye / It’s something within / The longing inside is the drive that allows / The work to be done / River deep / Mountain high / A shadow inside / In the light of a greatness from which none can hide / Out of the blue / Into the fire / And I’m stronger than ever in my one surrender / A red storm arising / Now I know what I want / And I know how to get it / It’s calling within and without / As pure as the real thing / The state and the feeling / It leaves me no doubt of what needs to be done / A thunder’s been raging / A choice has been taken / To never look back / To be one of the few / I know it / ‘Cause I feel it / I don’t need no further proof to believe it / There’s a guiding light / Burning inside out / As pure as the real thing / I return / In the light of the sun / A shadow is cast of a moment in time / Like turns of the tide / In the still of the night it begins / What is is to be
Modern life / So-called welfare / It lives inside you like a dream in the night / A sophisticated nightmare / It’s gonna blind you with its sweetest delight / Stimulus governs / Stimulus rules / It governs the trials / It governs the views / Prime material / Transformation of waste / Age of ice / Age of fire / And it’s been later than you think for a while / Living myth / The survivors / An inner freedom’s gonna start with denial / The self-pity ends / Where reasons begins / The theatre stage / Is rice paper thin / Prime material / Transformation of waste / You’ll know yourself by the resistance / It either breaks you or it makes you stronger
So I got this little stigma / A little stigma in my mind / I’ve been looking for perfection / But it seems so hard to find / What’s going up / Is coming down / What’s going in / Will come around / Second coming / Second going / Getting older by the day / In the final (ab)solution / Seems there’s nothing left to say / What’s going up / Is coming down / What’s going in / Will come around / And the rota never stops / And it cuts me like a knife / But the time is running out / Like a river running dry / I heard a whisper in the wasteland / That I’d gone the line divine / But when it all comes down to pieces / You’ve got to read between the lines / I got a taste for more than reason / I got a need to understand / I’ve got to trace the line of changes / Before it’s getting out of hand / The rhythm of the rota never stops / We’re such stuff as dreams are made of
The sweetest words / They always fall from lovers’ lips / Make you believe everything that you’ve heard / The whole wide world / It seems like it’s hanging from the sky / Still you turn your blindest eye / See you robbing every mirror / For the images you see / I thought you knew my pleasurama / I thought you knew my everything / Nocturnal moods / The melodramas / Pulling all your cheap nostalgia / Out of anything you see / A frame of mind / Can turn the world all upside down / Make you believe everything that you’ve heard / Of all of my heart / I wish I could wish you all the best / But my tolerance’s too sore / Got a little something for you / It’s a good and better bye (buy)
The eyes on the ceiling / The eyes on the walls / There’s always a riddle unsolved / A question to store / Candles burning in the night / To remind you / That no matter where you’re hiding / It will find you / Get inside of you / All of this time / Watching the lines / Slowly run out into the blue / Catching the dust / Staying untouched / Hiding the world within your hand / All of this time / Just catching the dust / Hiding the world / The longest of stories / The thinnest of air / The something you always wanted / Untouchable near
The memory lines / That run down the sky / Running like streams of reason / The story is told / In silver and gold / Words never tell the tale / I believe / In all that I see / In all that I know / In all that I feel inside me / I know / That dreams will come true / If they’re burning / Burning sugar / Burns inside me / Burning sugar / Burning so sweet / The things that I’ve seen / The places I’ve been / Secrets that stay unbroken / The look in your eyes / It’s high as a kite / Cooling my every need
I always wait / For the light / For the day / When love has gone / All of the time / All of the lies / Turn inside of me / The stranger in your voice / Comes and goes / Never shows / I’m on my own / Feeling amused / Feeling accused / I’m a thousand miles away / Every tragic love affair will end itself / Always founded on a tragic lack of taste / No sweet applause / Not even a word / From the stranger in my heart
29 believers / In the room next door / Guess the myth didn’t equal the score / While they’re praising the legend / They can’t wait for his fall / Never was enough room for us all / Not enough air to breathe / Or time to leave / Trading in make-believe / For the time being / Meet me at Roseland / Meet me at summer’s end / No one will notice / Anywhere that we meet / Promise you’ll be there / Don’t leave me waiting / You’re all I’ve ever known / All I’ll ever know / All the painted faces / Every painted smile / So allergic to all that they hide / Guess I needed the feeling / Every scandalous high / Got accustomed to life on the line / I saw all the stories end / Begin again / But only a single face / Stayed the same / Meet me at Roseland / Meet me at summer’s end / No one will notice / Anywhere that we meet / Promise you’ll be there / Don’t leave me waiting / You’re all I’ve ever known / All I’ll ever know / Wherever you go / Wherever you’ll show / I’ll be waiting for you
I can’t help this feeling / I don’t think it’s mine / I think I need cleaning / Of brain and of mind / Brainwash / Wash it all clean now / Brainwash / Take it away / Brainwash / The ease and the dis-ease / Some like it hot / And some not / Not at all / And I don’t need no doctor / I just need myself / The melodramatic / Is going to hell
Got the world on a string high above me / Looking down at the clouds under my feet / Signing off with a sigh / Kiss and tell them goodbye if it’s needed / Got a feeling inside / The most natural kind / Spending night after night / Counting every star / Within the dark / Guess I needed to see / That it’s all make-believe / Little animal heart / Tear the heavens apart now / High and dry / I’m still walking on air / Couldn’t care less / If the world that you’ve known seems to change / To me it’s the same / Got the world on a string high above me / Looking down at the clouds under my feet / Signing off with a sigh / Kiss and tell them goodbye if it’s needed / Riding high on these random desires / Dressing up in the light of the fires / Got the world on a string / It doesn’t mean anything more than maybe / Always loved your belief / Such a wonderful need / All the things that I lost / Shining in your eyes / Light up the sky / Feeling too good to die / Well at least for a while / See the Saturday girls / Hear the cry of world now / High and dry and I’m out of the rain / I’ll leave you the taste / Never knew anyone by their name / It’s always the same / Got the world on a string high above me / Looking down at the clouds under my feet / Signing off with a sigh / Kiss and tell them goodbye if it’s needed / Riding high on these random desires / Dressing up in the light of the fires / Got the world on a string / It doesn’t mean anything more than maybe / Its’ the same refrain
Continue the delight / Without fear or abbreviation / Once I had trust in this struggle / Believed that will could disappear / To see the days pass by / With acknowledgement / To face my soil / And I wish I could waste / Meaning and emotion / In some wisdom / How could I in any way tolerate / The way they treated you
Edges of speaking / Outlived of hatred / Could I forgive at all / Or could sigh be further / Than I reached always / Light died / -ly pregnant / Up / Killed in your words / Sheet-minded loving was / Respect as given thought / Of hairy swinelike / Hours of nameless / Of this penetration / Could I still cry for sad / Tell friend and leech apart / The fall of the fallen / Unnamed or misused / Lethal hate given / Word castles built in vain / Salute nugacity / Could I feel guilty / The leathern tenderness / Did you cry lustful / I can now nevermore / Give what I wanted to / To feel so leathern / Cry of the stone tears / Kiss of the unsaid / Without these arms to stretch (died in this early grave) / Like passion for unseen (buried before dying) / I seek the guiltful / To feel so leathern / Emotional / Leprous
Unheard, unheard / You will fall with the masculine delusion / Tasteless you / Traceless you / Beyond the bloodless necessities / Somewhere lies the feel of splendour / How to fight the denial of feel / How to fight this denial of feel / Among bloodless / Will I fall / A spastic appeal for unknown ideals / Frailty / Your name is strength / Useless wise in all their lies / It lead into this
Just a touch of lost / Burning as always / As it was / As it is / And eventually / Just in trust / Nothing more / So suddenly / From beginning to end / While this centreless present reflects itself / In inverted moves of an obsessional stage / In a stream of light from unreachable marks / Something long ago in everlasting terms / In a crossfade of untitled reasons / What it turned out to be / And occasionally / Everything in my hands / So totally / In the heat of the touch / Like the way we were / Beyond love under will / Suddenly away / In these only words / By mistakes again / Into changing links / In this compromise of dependence then / Stage by stage / In exposure / Still so timeless / In this life release / Nearness hidden in casual moves / Watch the changes and recall / Touch through another focus / Mark perfection twice / With or without purpose / Still tons against tons / Carefully mistaken / In retrospective fear / Restrain it all while I imagine focus
Weakening over weakening / A fire that burns so brightly / Only a shadow / Cast by yourself / So soft and fading / Wind over body / Shaking each nerve / In curves of freedom / In the hardest care / A baptism in desire / And in merciless grace / And in this fusion / Sister shadows compressed to the core / Difference on difference / In every framing I make / In display on display / And again / Afterwards / In the beauty of all death / An ultimate reality / Double-lined from phase to phase / From the mother wound to the scabelon / From one to zero in a circle of ten / Burning cities melt into sunset / The blue light / The white beds / The roaring shapes of love / From stone to skin / Forcing all life / Trapped in this outline / For you alone / This time for all we know / Like a shadow / I feel you near / In all these nights without you / Flickering / From dust to contour / Always there / From the centre to the line / Hermetically closed inside me / For you alone / This time for all we know / Shining through time / Sacred but still so raw / And all the love / Moving so motionless / And even now / As it always will be / In each overload / Affection running tenderly wild / Losing shadow in every move I make / In a flow of warmth / Like blood spreading in water / All alone / Surrounded by time / From displacement to displacement / And in the shadowplay of memory / Closing my eyes / And into the abyss of your love / Trapped inside the heavens of your touch / Felt like this a hundred times before / Still I only need it more and more / I will drink the salt stains from your skin / Kiss you clean from all the violence / Drugs / Repression / Fantasy and fear / All I need is just to feel you near / Feel you near
To my love / Wherever you may be / I’m with you / United / In spirit / My life lies in your hands / All power ever been / All power yet to come / Is here now / This instant / Around us / Inside us
So your cynicism is your new religion / Where your doubt allows you no devotion / It makes you feel secure / ‘Cause they can’t say you’re wrong / And that’s right / ‘Cause you’re close to nothing at all / So while you’re fighting blinded in your mirror-land / You run against the size of your own little box / In a two-mask nightmare theatre / You live what you call your life / I call you slave of guilt / I call you sick sick six / You know my name / But you don’t know me / In the stupidity of mass-identity / Your self-fixation won’t set you free / Now anal-ysis is very easy to offer / Help is a quite different feature / I wish you’d come down to the basics / I wish you’d begin to surrender
As a witness to the shadows / Fingers search for time / While these patterns of deception / Guide our hearts and minds / I guess it’s all rite / I guess it’s ritual / But you pervert it with your lies / A modern symphony of end results / Is what’s looking through your eyes / The tragicomic shifts from person A to B / While you pomp and circumstance it with identity / Give us some erasure baby / Show us what you’re really like / In between the pressures rising / From the crushed delight / So come on baby / I can’t wait / For your yes and your no / Almost there / But semi-sensuals never touch / Almost there / Where far too much is not enough / So pick a word / And sing a song / But do it now / Because it won’t be long / Before we have to say goodbye / In this scenario of passing thoughts / You sing your self-reflection blues / But malfunction Malkuth baby / I know the tune / So give us drama baby / Give us all you never were / While you crawl around in mud / Begging for a choice / A bit of but will soothe the pain / A bit of something else / Although it’s much too late to ask / You can always try / So come on baby / I can’t wait / I want to rip you inside out / So welcome to the circus of hate / And welcome to the mind masquerade / Where semi-sensuals never touch / Where far too much is not enough / In the masquerade / Where lovers die by lovers’ touch / In the mind parade / Where far too much is not enough
The fire and the water keep mixing in my blood / The sons and the daughters seemed to give it all up / They got too tired of the waiting / Too tired to believe / In the promises that nobody keeps / I’ve seen a generation coming / I’ve seen a generation go / And the more I see / The less I know / I want to go to sleep / I want to drown in the deep / Of the cradlemoon / I want to touch the sky / I want to lie down and die / In the cradlemoon of the night / So I followed the shadows / By the trail of the waste / And it lead me into the heart / To the heart of these days / I Never wanted to remember / Never wanted to believe / But you don’t ask why when the thunderheart beats / All I wanted was a reason / What I got was so much mor e / Couldn’t turn my back on the things that I saw / I want to go to sleep / I want to drown in the deep / Of the cradlemoon / I want to touch the sky / I want to lie down and die / In the cradlemoon of the night / In a world full of stories / There’s a time in the night / When the sky seems to break by the blink of the eye
Another heart laid bare / On the doorstep to my exile / Another pantomime to disbelieve / I see your bended head / Always humble in the daylight / Playing the servant’s role to never see / Of all the images / That you left for my keeping / The one I like the most / Is the world outside / I never thought I would / But the distance seems so perfect / I can’t deny the fact / That I’m pleasantly surprised / Another victim cries / Pointing fingers at the heavens / Declaring me the crime of centuries / The traces on my skin / They keep shining in the night time / A fingerprint on every memory
My my / Here’s a drummer / All melodramatic / I wonder who invited him in / But I’m amused as always / By the glamorous stupidity / It’s the puff and the posh of the way that you are / Sugarcoating every word / When it all begins to hurt / A little too Babylonian / Now you’re breaking into tears / Though you know I can’t be near / Such an effortless act / It’s shining through you skin / A skin so paper thin / A living memory / It’s just a breath away / All drawn in pale and grey / So tense and self-aware / I can’t breathe in the absence of beauty / Come sustain my arrogance / With a sight that never ends / A little falling from the sky / Ain’t gonna make the day worthwhile / Not exactly unpredictable / I love the feeling / The nervous shivering / A skin show of dreams / Olympian ideals undefeated
The sound of the room / The sound of your breathing / See the night rain that falls / Hear it run down the walls / There’s a scent in the air / There’s a trace in the water / And you’re stretched like the sky / On these carnival nights / That you carry inside / And the image you see / Such a weight on your eyelids / It never dried on your eyes / Never silenced the cries / Like a needle you find / That injects light inside you / See the ribbons of rain / Draw the lines of a face / The thinnest of air / Was all that you needed / Now the glittering stars / Shine a light far too hard / On the tip of your tongue / There’s a word never spoken / Like a vanishing gaze / Choreography games / That you try to rename / And the image you see / Such a weight on your eyelids / It never dried on your eyes / Never silenced the cries / Like a needle you find / That injects light inside you / See the ribbons of rain / Draw the lines of a face / The scenes of a night cut in marble / The sound of the rain’s getting harder / A hand mirror line turning flesh for a while / You’re so tired now
Show me your true desires / Show me your plaza flesh / Pictures of people dying / Seem to have no effect no more / I don’t really give as much as a toss anymore / I just want to hide away / Never beg anymore / I don’t really count the days or the hours anymore / ‘Cause she’s gone / Come now / Inject the daylight / Come here / Each little girl / At first / Just want to kiss you / But then I want it all / I want exces s / Your plaza flesh
Feeling like Berlin 1929 / So many feelings / All caught up inside / Falling like cities / Seen through lovers’ eyes / Shaking with fever / As they say goodbye / Each time you look / Somebody hides / All of the world / Up in the clouds / Feeling so stupid / In this pantomime / All that I need is / A pair of starry eyes
With lips bleeding red / A flicker of skin / Her one silk caress / It’s a breath just about to begin / She believes / What she feels / The white of her eyes / A glow in the dark / Wherever she is / She’s a silence that shelters my heart / She believes / What she is / And I wish she could see / What she’s doing to me / In spite of the past / In spite of the present / She’s the air I breathe / She’s the trail of the days / My guide and my trace / The world never sleeps / It feeds on her dreaming / As I close my eyes / A taste in my mouth / Of sugary sand / The world seems so small / As it glitters in her open hand / She believes / What she needs / And I wish she could see / What she’s doing to me / In spite of the past / In spite of the present / She’s the air I breathe / She’s the trail of the days / My guide and my trace / The world never sleeps / It feeds on her dreaming / As I close my eyes / In the still of the night / The dim desires / In the faint afterglow of heated cries / On the moon-flooded roofs and in her eyes / It all comes alive / It all seems to hide / And the words seem to fall like whispers that drip / Her voice’s like a fog on her moist soft lips / Like a torn envelope that’s sealed with a kiss / How it all seems to break / All seems to shake / In a single embrace
Heavy as lead in a medicine secret / Turning the sights on a narrow-go-round / Limited mind never looking for answers / Vanishing light never hitting the ground / And the beauty blinds you / And it cools the strain / And it hides inside you / Like a love in vein / Silhouette tear on a pillow of sorrow / Look-alike pain as a ticket to go / Cities of light for a memory season / Dressing your mind for millennium low
She’s a cool breeze of discontent / She’s like a story that never ends / See the twenties within her eyes / Eternal stardust that never dies / She’s my Argentine rose / She’s such a delicate rose
You know why they hate me / Don’t you / It’s just a matter of time / So they say / They won’t forgive any traitors / Whenever they say I’m ungrateful / Just remember the price that I’ve paid / I got so tired parading in rooms badly lit / In the stardom / Of my boredom / My British manners never failed / How they hated / My behaviour / But you / You shine like the glamour sky / You ride on the turning tide / At least for a while / And me / I’ll wipe off banalities / Whenever they’re thrown at me / I do it so well / You know why they hate me / Don’t you / There’s not a lot to be said / I didn’t need invitations / Just don’t let your manners escape you / Although it’s tempting / There’s nothing to prove / I made my choice / Now it’s all up to you / You’re high as a falling star / Just don’t let it go too far / You’ve seen where it ends / The game / At best it’s acceptable / At worst it’s despicable / I’ll leave it to you
Les rails de la nuit noire / Ils brillent comme lumière / Le monde ne dort jamais / Nourrit nos rêves / Mon image de toi / Est tombée du ciel / Les rêves paraissent continuer / Les chants intérieurs / Murmure des mots inouïs / Tu es mon image / Enfourche la lumière comme une vague / Les yeux d’océan / D’amant ne mentent jamais / Détournons-nous comme des étrangers / Tout ce que je veux / C’est tout / Tout ce que je veux / C’est toi / Tu es mon image / C’est toi / Les rails de la nuit noire / Ils brillent comme lumière / Le monde ne dort jamais / Nourrit nos rêves / Mon image de toi / Est tombée du ciel / Tombée du ciel / Tu es mon image / Plus bleus que toute raison / Timides comme tout mensonge / Des yeux d’amants jamais secs / Tu es mon image
She’s got a heart full of crazy people / She’s clearly not amused / Catching colds and missing trains / Is all she seems to do / The tragic bravados / The bourgeois staccato / Wonder why she bothers at all / They’re all talking in headlines but dress out of style / “Get a life and then give me a call” / Every ghetto gladiator / Every little Pierrot / Looking like a drag magician in another wasted show / There’s a beggar on each corner / A stench in the air / Life’s a song that’s dedicated to the lovers at Tiananmen Square / Confetti-covered / All animated / Party eyes that never close / A wave of raving faces with sparkling smiles / They look the same wherever she goes / The white shirts and big lips / All drowning in honey / Smacking tongues while they’re shaking their heads / Little socialites with portable roots / In her eyes they’d be better off dead / But the shops and the markets / The wild consumer craze / Seem to bind it all together and somehow make their day / All these harlequin girls with swimming pool eyes / If nothing else matters / They really took advantage of their time / So shit in your hat and place your head on a chair / This journey’s clearly not going anywhere / Turn on the tv / The lie of the land / A string quartet playing in a refugee camp / Start with a kiss and soon you’ll need vaseline / The damage control of any tangerine dream / Play hard to get / You’ll end on the run / ‘Cause everyone’s bored with all this soft-porn
The cigarette smoke in the air / The smouldering waves everywhere / Full of eyes / Prune-coloured eyes / In Moscow and St. Petersburg / The places turn into a blur / In your mind / A violent sigh / The salt water traces that burn on your skin / The words that you hid in letters never sent / Your heartbeat’s a rage never tamed / Never shown / Wherever you go / You’re never alone / The alcohol glows for a while / It’s shining like gold in the light / Like a trace / Of halcyon days / Like ghosts in their circuits of loss / You carry your own little cross / As a shield / Against any need / Wherever you go / You leave something behind / The parts of yourself you’ve been trying to find / The smell of the night seems to stick to your skin / All locked in a cage / The journey begins
She’s turning away to lie still for a while / Just watching the clouds drifting by on the night sky / The skin of a girl and the face of a child / She touches my hand and suggests that we go out / She’s checking her face in the mirror / Adjusting her hair endlessly / The hard light of the elevator / Follows her out in the street / It’s too hot to sleep
I don’t know where to start / Never ever seen such a vulgar display / Losing mind / Losing heart / Never ever want to fall in love again / No new sights to be seen / Sailing on the ocean of arrogant dreams / Chasing nightmares away / Trading any reason for lost yesterdays / Don’t spread your stars / Around this perfect moon / Don’t spread these stars / Around this perfect moon
Crowded Saturdays / Guest among ghosts / A girl made of shivers / Girls on their own / Rolled down shades / Sweet harsh sweat / It’s the choked laughter / The unmade bed / All the things you might remember / Things you might forget / Looking young and old / In the same glance / Nervous tenderness / But steady at hand / Curly hair / And vinyl sounds / Guess it’s carved within the faces / Carved and painted down / A cigarette that’s burning / Along the line / I guess that she’s the one you won’t forget
Stronger than thousand suns / Zero equals one / Two reveals unity / As all things to be
The homeless anger has cried so sweet / Does it rise from the blood-stained sheets / Will / Dearly bought with the blood / Will torn emotions be the sky of above / The genesis of illness lies in your blood / Hate is to be purity / Hate is of truth / I will not tolerate the inbred indulgence / Die in your blood-beds / This could be love
Verschwendung ist der Name des Spiels / Eine Tugend / Eine Ehrensache / Meine Seele ist ein Hotel / Meine Liebe eine Einrichtung / Meine Liebe / Ich bin ein Matador / Ein Toreador / Ein mutiger Kujon / Ein alter Hund / Eine Wiederkunft aus meiner Kindheit / Ein Schauspieler in einer unfreiwilligen Erinnerung / Keiner stellt die Frage / Keiner weckt mich zu leben / Zu leben
‘Cause I’ll lie for you / I’ll die for you / I’ll do anything / To be forgiven
Ash and lemon water / Shining on your lips / Whatever you do / Don’t try to resist / It’s the kind of understanding / That makes you feel uncomfortable / It’s the kind of circumstances / That make you feel so old / You’re all immune / To crowded rooms / Your heart’s made of air / It’s easy to share / You’re sliding down / The open sky / A handle that breaks / Excitement’s a rage
Eine Straße im Sommer, mit frisch verliebten jungen Leuten und schreienden Kindern überstreut / Ein Saal voller glänzender lackierter Stühle / Ein dunkles, unbefriedigtes Herz / Seine Stimme hörte sich atemlos an, als bemühte er sich, seine Wut zu beherrschen, und seine herablassenden Gedanken über mich waren genau so deutlich wie eine Serie anatomischer Zeichnungen / Seine rhythmischen Schritte klangen wie eine gigantische Uhr / Vor dem Gemälde hielt er inne, starrte mich mit einem unergründlichen, schwelenden Blick an und fragte mich dann, was ich meinte / Als ob ihn das interessierte / Das Gespräch schien in einem überfüllten Zimmer statt zu finden / Jedes Mal, wenn ich etwas zu sagen versuchte, klang es, als probierte ich ein neues Wort aus dem Fremdwörterbuch zum ersten Mal aus / Schließlich war ich ganz gefühllos – als wäre ich nicht länger anwesend im Raum / Mit beinahe traumhafter Normalität nahm er sein Selbstgespräch wieder auf, sprach von den höheren Regionen des Geistes und dem Greifvermögen der Seele und darüber, wie wenig das eine ohne das andere wert sei
Fields of living fire / You’ll see me reaching into the air / The shadow of a survivor / I turn around / But there’s no one there / Now I’ve been looking for reason / Some poisons taste like the sweetest wine / But all I ever believed in / Was all the things that I couldn’t find / Hear the cries and the whispers / The touch-and-go of another night / The afterglow of desire / Shines with the flame of a lesser light / A line of nameless faces / Fading away in a sea of time / Another time and place is / The last belief of performing mind / The fires burn / Erasing all the traces / And I spread the ashes all across the sky / Watching it fall like rain through empty spaces / To the darkest corners of my heart and mind / In a room without a view / There’s a story without end / Every time an answer show s / Then another hides away
Habits that I just couldn’t break / Caught within the frame of my ways / Living with the stories and tales / That surrounded my every move / Turning living into a game / Changes made it all stay the same / Paranoid delusions remained / Such an elegant way to run free / But no eye shall absorb any tear that it cries / And no heart ever drown in its beat / Guess I needed to see just how pointless it is / To be right when it’s not what you feel / Shaken by words never meant to be said / Breaking the silence of lost innocence / I just couldn’t see / How you carried the weight of it all / Starving desires / Extravagant needs / Caught in the dark of my fading belief s / I just couldn’t see / How you shielded my every mov e / I just couldn’t see
Ashes to ashes / And dust to dust / A fantasy world of omni-science / Heavens and ambitions / In showrooms of the mind / In another chapter / Of forgotten time / Faces disappearing / In memory and mind / But you / You know it all in your identity design / So 20th centur y / Things are what they are / No matter what we feel / Endeavour is the key / Not the mastermind ideal / And if you don’t agree / Well then you don’t agree / So come on little playtime Hitler / Forget your intellectual parades / There are no final solutions / Only final denials / No need for vain display / I’ve seen your religion and I’ve seen your inner borders / And my spit is more sacred than all your holy water / ‘Cause it’s of flesh and blood / It’s of flesh and blood
April 4 turning 9.25 / Writing words in the air / Lovers left with a cool rainy day / Places no longer there / Cardboard letters and manners that fail / Paris Odéon girls / Doors are closing / Lights still glowing / With a weak innocence
“Imponerende bokssæt fra 27 års produktivt og kompromisløst virke: Niveauet er gennemgående meget højt. Hall har ramt hovedet på sømmet i udvælgelsen af de i alt 81 cd-numre og de 15 dvd-optagelser. Blandt højdepunkterne kan nævnes 80’er-elektropopsangene ”Crush” og ”Beat Of The Drum”, der står overraskende stærkt i dag, og de formfuldendte og meget inderlige ballader ”Synthesis” og ”Images In Water” fra henholdsvis 1986 og 1999. Højdepunktet er dog den kammermusikalske cd, hvor Hall virkelig træder i karakter som sanger … et must for fans og stærkt anbefalelsesværdig for begyndere.”
( * * * * * )
Gaffa – Ole Rosenstand Svidt (november 2007)
“Den excentriske elegantier fra A-Z: En mammutopsamling … dansk musikhistorie ingen feinschmecker må snyde sig selv for. En sand øreåbner.”
( * * * * )
Citadel – Peter Albrechtsen (november 2007)
“Et storladent bokssæt. Manden, der altid har skubbet fortiden fra sig for at kunne gribe fat i fremtiden, ser tilbage på karrieren.”
MetroXPress – Susan Grønbech Larsen (5. november 2007)
“En imponerende introduktion til en af landets vigtigste og mest produktive sangskrivere … Hans overvældende produktion kan være svær at overskue, men ved at tildele de forskellige genrer hver sin cd, har mesteren samlet og sorteret det bedste fra alle sine verdener. Og hvilke verdener. Martin Halls popmusik er sofistikeret og storladen uden at blive klæbrig, mens nyere ballader som ”Images In The Water” slår de fleste konkurrenter af pinden. Det er svært at pege på andre danske kolleger, der kan samle hele 81 numre uden at træde forkert en eneste gang.”
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Jyllands-Posten – Kasper Schütt-Jensen (12. november 2007)
“Musikalsk selvbiografi: Få musikere har som Martin Hall formået at dække hele det musikalske spektrum fra radiohits til meget svært tilgængelige avantgarde-produktioner … et rigtig godt indblik i den brillante multi-instrumentalists livsværk.”
Where2Go (november 2007)
“Der Output dieses Mannes ist schier unermesslich … Martin Halls Schaffen in fast all seinen Facetten abdeckt.”
Grenzwellen (november 2007)
”Et overvældende bokssæt: Få kan som Martin Hall højtideligholde et stykke musik. Måske nogle gange også mere end det kan bære. Men han havde fra 1985-1989 et enestående godt greb om denne kombination af blank mekanik, funkede synkoper, renskyllede temaer og emotionel overspænding. Kampen om at lade hjertet vinde over hjernen var hans erklærede projekt i den periode. I stedet for sejr til en af siderne holdt de to poler hinanden i skak, og det kom der ikke dårlig musik ud af. Bevægelsen går fra det buldrende sorte og beskidte lydbillede under punken til en brutalt bankende digitalrock. Derefter flader Hall ud i den store altfavnende ballade langt inde på romantikkens terræn. Undervejs udvikler kunstnerens stemme sig fra det skrigende barns til en voksen og følsom vibrerende røst, der forsøger at ramme hjertets uartikulerede tale i sin sangstil, men også stadig har et buespænd smukt og højt som en katedral.”
Weekendavisen – Per Reinholdt Nielsen (23. november 2007)
”Et misforstået geni: Det imponerende, seksdobbelte bokssæt samler op på højdepunkterne af hans særdeles produktive musikalske karriere, som altså indtil videre har strakt sig over 27 år. I den forbindelse har Hall fået masser af medieomtale og anmelderroser, ligesom han har fået, stort set hver eneste gang han har udgivet en cd, en bog eller hvad han nu ellers har haft oppe i de som regel jakkesætklædte ærmer … Højdepunktet er dog den nye cd indspillet med kammerensemble, hvor Hall virkelig træder i karakter som sanger.”
Aarhus Stiftstidende (25. november 2007)
“… de største, enkleste og alligevel mest præcise kærlighedssange, der nogen sinde er skrevet; ja, engang sagde jeg endda til mig selv, efter at have hørt det himmelråbende smukke væv af loops, orgel og cello, at nu kunne jeg roligt tage billetten: Intet ville nogen sinde blive bedre! … Hall er en af de få personer i dansk åndsliv, man af de helt rette grunde kan kalde en legende.”
Geiger (7. januar 2008)
Kun selvstændige bidragsydere er fremhævet her
Acustic: Remix
Ballet Mécanique: Instrumenter
Candy’s Room: Remix
Christian Skeel: Remix
Dub Tractor: Remix
Efterklang: Remix
Else Marie Pade: Remix
Erik Levander: Remix
Front and Fantasy: Instrumenter
Hess Is More: Remix
Johnny Stage: Remix
Marcel de Sade: Flygel
Palle Mikkelborg: Trompet
Pellarin: Remix
Pellarin & Lenler: Remix
Prinz Ezo: Remix
The Danish Chamber Players: Kammerorkester
Trauma: Remix
Under For: Instrumenter
Winterhill: Remix
Wäldchengarten: Remix
’Catalogue’ indeholder indspilninger foretaget i perioden 1980–2007. Derfor henvises der til diskografi-oversigtens originaludgaver vedr. specifik information omkring de enkelte indspilninger.
Design: Kenneth Schultz
Photo: Robin Skjoldborg
Da mængden af musikere på det samlede materiale løber op i hundredvis af mennesker, må vi henvise til diskografisektionens opslag vedr. de respektive enkeltudgivelser. Af det nyindspillede materiale på Catalogue-boksen må især de to følgende indslag fremhæves:
På Remakes-disken har danske ”pre-electronica” legende Else Marie Pade lavet sit første remix nogensinde. Sammen med producer Thomas Knak bidrager hun med sin personlige fortolkning af Hall-nummeret ”Finale”, en skæring der meget passende afslutter bokssættets remix-del.
Ud over dette bidrag byder Catalogue på endnu en overraskelse, nemlig Martin Halls samarbejde med en anden dansk myte, den herostratisk berømte Marquis Marcel de Sade, der akkompagnerer Hall på på bokssættets allersidste skæring, den til pladen nykomponerede sang ”Tout le Monde”.
Ud over Halls egne noter til samtlige numre på boksen (som du kan læse via følgende link) indeholder Catalogue også følgende introduktion:
”Although Martin Hall’s complete discography consists of more than one hundred releases, the artist himself is fully content with focusing solely on available titles such as Camille, Metropolitan Suite, Das Mechanische Klavier, Inskription and Facsimile, his highly praised latest album. Together with the recent jubilee version of Ballet Mécanique’s The Icecold Waters of the Egocentric Calculation and current plans of re-releasing Random Hold next year, the key elements of his musical framework thereby seem in place. However, continual requests for many of his older releases have been hard to ignore for a long time.
Therefore Panoptikon has decided to release the Catalogue box – as a summary of Halls recordings as both singer and instrumentalist. This process has obviously not been easy: The diversity of his working methods add up to a problem as far as the selection of material is concerned. In the words of the internationally acclaimed Danish ensemble Efterklang, Martin Hall embodies “a fascinating schizophrenic versatility” that transcends any common category. Whether you like his music or not, it is only fair to say that he has become a brand of his own in contemporary Danish music.”
På remix-cd’en har følgende artister bidraget:
1. Love in Vein (Trauma)
2. Cool Breeze of Discontent (Candy’s Room remix af “My Argentine Rose”)
3. Rooms Badly Lit (Hess Is More remix af “You Know Why They Hate Me”)
4. Tu Es Mon Image (Efterklang)
5. Swimming Pool Eyes (Winterhill remix af “Damage Control”)
6. Ritualized (Dub Tractor remix af “Ritual”)
7. Vacuum (Pellarin remix af “Other Rooms”)
8. Split (Acustic remix af “Feet on Glass”)
9. St. Petersburg Notes (Christian Skeel remix af “Other Rooms”)
10. Chance Encounter (Erik Levander remix af “Mimic”)
11. Metastatic (Hall & Skeel remix af “A.S.A.P.”)
12. An Even More Vulgar Display (Wäldchengarten remix af “A Vulgar Display”)
13. Extended Frame (Pellarin & Lenler remix af “Minor Frame”)
14. Crowded Saturdays (Johnny Stage remix af “Minor Frame”)
15. Parading the Frozen (Prinz Ezo remix af “Another Heart Laid Bare”)
16. Illustration (Else Marie Pade remix af “Finale”)
Dvd’en indeholder to klip fra filmen Totem v/ Claus Bohm og Ole John Film (1/2), to Random Hold-videoer af Robin Skjoldborg (3/4), to Facsimile-videoer af hansen-hansen.com (5/6), ”Other Rooms” i en unplugged udgave fra TV2-Lorry (7), DR’s optagelser fra hhv. Glyptoteket og Trax Galla 2006 (8–14) samt en enestående optagelse af Martin Hall og Marcel de Sade under indspilningerne af sangen ”Tout le Monde” (15) foreviget af hansen-hansen.com.
Af større features, der blev lavet i forbindelse med udgivelsen, kan du læse følgende:

”Imponerende bokssæt fra 27 års produktivt og kompromisløst virke … et must for fans og stærkt anbefalelsesværdig for begyndere.”
( * * * * * )
Gaffa”En imponerende introduktion til en af landets vigtigste og mest produktive sangskrivere … det er svært at pege på andre danske kolleger, der kan samle hele 81 numre uden at træde forkert en eneste gang.”
( * * * * * )
Jyllands-Posten”Den excentriske elegantier fra A-Z … dansk musikhistorie ingen feinschmecker må snyde sig selv for. En sand øreåbner.”
( * * * * )
Citadel“Et overvældende bokssæt: Få kan som Martin Hall højtideligholde et stykke musik … et buespænd smukt og højt som en katedral.”
Weekendavisen“Et storladent bokssæt. Manden, der altid har skubbet fortiden fra sig for at kunne gribe fat i fremtiden, ser tilbage på karrieren.”
MetroXPress“Intet ville nogen sinde blive bedre! … Hall er en af de få personer i dansk åndsliv, man af de helt rette grunde kan kalde en legende.”