JUNE 2011
OEVERSTE KIRURGISKE (ISBN 978-87-92623-01-0)

In the beginning of June 2011 the 52nd edition of the literature magazine Oeverste Kirurgiske was released, a publication to which Martin Hall contributed with a writing called ”Memoirs”. The text was accompanied by a drawing made by its author.

This edition of Oeverste Kirurgiske is a thematic issue about ”neo-baroque”, a concept that the publishers – by their own admission – knew very little about. As they wrote about the subject on their website: ”The result of our common endeavours will be the latest and most up-to-date baroque that the world has so far seen … no baroque is any newer”.

Among the other contributors you’ll find names such as Thomas Krogsbøl, Nikolaj Zeuthen, Jens Blendstrup, Martin Budtz, Sternberg, Irmelin Henriette Prehn, Jeolytta Ming Wangsgaard and Grzegorz Wróblewski.

Oeverste Kirurgiske, roughly translated, means “the top floor surgical department” – a name taken from the former residents on the address of the magazine’s editorial office.

The publication consists of 142 pages and is designed by OK Layout with illustrations made by Michael Rassum.