The academic journal Reception is a magazine for Nordic literature. In relation to the 150th anniversary of the second Schleswig War and the 100th anniversary the outbreak of World War 1 the new #72 of the magazine is a special issue about war – and the imprint of war – in Danish and Nordic literature.
In this relation Martin Hall has been invited to write an essay on the subject. Hall’s contribution to the magazine is the text ”Comparisons of Monopolies on Violence”, an article that sets off by telling the story of an experience he had during his childhood years in Spain where he lived as child with his family from 1971 to 1972 (a period where the fascist-oriented General Franco still ruled the country).
Reception #72 was released on May 23. Other contributors include Hans Hertel, Christel Wiinblad and Theis Ørntoft.
You can find an illustrated version of the text (in Danish only) here.